18 May The Mission Minute Issue #6
During this time of staying at home, Zoom calls, and reading overwhelming amounts of information — Mission Triangle is excited to pass along a weekly “Mission Minute” full of simple nuggets of encouragement, key learnings, and announcements. We find them helpful and hope you do as well!
Biblical Truth
- Community: Signs across the world are saying “we are all in this together,” and that’s Biblical truth. We aren’t meant to be alone, even in quarantine. Look for strategic partners and neighbors and embrace the opportunity. It doesn’t make life easy, but it makes it rich.

Sound Business Principle
- Transparency: We need to be clear with our donors, our employees, our partners, and our clients; even if our clarity ends at admitting our lack of clarity. Everyone doesn’t need to know everything, but leadership is also about discerning the maximum amount of transparency at any point.
- Through their integrity, humility, compassion, and transparency, inspirational leaders create high levels of trust throughout the organization. – Best Christian Workplaces Institute
Mission Triangle Tool of the Week
- Upcoming Online Forum May 27 – HR Considerations in Times of Uncertainty: Co-Presenter Ann Close, Close HR Connections
Partner Resources of the Week
- INET Blog – Be Encouraged Nonprofits, Generosity Does Not Get Sick
- BCWI Blog – Important Advice on Managing Remote Employees
- Curt Thompson Blog – A Body of Work: Why Zoom Calls Make Us Tired
Spotlight of the Week
- International: 127 Worldwide (Africa/Central America), Global Hope India, Invisible Girl Project (India), and RiverCross (Africa) are four Mission Triangle members who are locally based organizations doing great work abroad.
- As many of us plan for summer vacations and a re-opening of our cities, we need to be mindful of the extreme hurt and devastation that has occurred internationally as well. Pray for those who are extremely socially distanced from those they are serving and for their partners on the ground. Also, please check out their needs on Mission Triangle’s Nonprofit Needs page.
Random Fun
- UK Blessing – After weeks of sarcasm and slapstick fun, we are switching this week to beauty-type fun in the form of song. Check out the accents, diversity, and voices in this prayer. Who wants to organize this for the Triangle? (image from YouTube)