Baseline Health Assessment

Introduction: The Baseline Health Assessment (BHA) is an annual self-assessment that provides a snapshot of your organization’s overall health and is a starting point for digging deeper into the six nonprofit core competencies. The BHA is available to any nonprofit free of charge. It should take you 10-15 minutes to complete.


Even if you don’t know the answers to all the questions, it is designed to be an educational tool to help your organization begin the journey of understanding and improving upon key organizational strengths and opportunities for growth. Be honest as this is simply a tool for growth!


Audience: To receive the maximum value, we strongly encourage your entire leadership team (board, senior staff, other key leaders) to complete the BHA. At the same time, in order to receive an organizational BHA report, a minimum 75% of organizations are required to the complete the assessment. Responses are anonymous.


Reporting: Upon completion, each person will receive an email with your individual BHA scores.


Once 3 or more people have completed the annual BHA, the organizational scores are placed in the organization’s portal.

Your organization’s report with the corresponding questions is distributed by core competency (topic) in the respective core competency workshop. Also, if desired, Mission Triangle is happy to provide the entire report to your organization along with a 90-minute consultation. Please reach out for more information.


Next Steps: As always, you are invited to join us at any live trainings/events to take steps directly related to improving your BHA scores.


Click here to complete BHA.

Watch the 2 minute BHA introduction video below for more insight into this assessment.