04 May The Mission Minute Issue #4
During this time of staying at home, Zoom calls, and reading overwhelming amounts of information — Mission Triangle is excited to pass along a weekly “Mission Minute” full of simple nuggets of encouragement, key learnings, and announcements. We find them helpful and hope you do as well!
Biblical Truth
- Stewardship – One very freeing truth during confusing times is that we are simply stewards – of our organizations, our families, and this world. Everything belongs to God and He invites us to steward it with him. Thus, whatever happens, we can trust that the REAL owner has it under control.

Sound Business Principle
- Key Stewards – A nonprofit’s Board of Directors are the key stewards of the organization and must behave as such. In fact, they are legally responsible for performing this duty. We are thankful for Dan Busby and our online forum coming up this week that will help boards understand better what this means for the current climate.
Mission Triangle Tool of the Week
- Upcoming Online Forum May 6 – Board Leadership in Times of Crisis– Presenter: ECFA President Emeritus, Dan Busby
Partner Resources of the Week
- ECFA blog – Ten Benefits of Difficult Economic Times
- BCWI podcast – Why Stewardship is Far Better Than Ownership
- Chris Horst blogs – To Our Heroes Wearing Trucker Caps + Fundraising in a National Quarantine
Spotlight of the Week
- North Raleigh Ministries – NRM provided food for 247 families (907 people) in need in North Raleigh in April alone. They were highlighted March 28 by ABC11 News and continue to invite food donations for the community. See the Mission Triangle Nonprofit Needs page for more information. Our community is blessed by this organization!
Random Fun
- Confused by the News? – For those of you that are feeling confused by the news, advice we’re receiving, and current predictions for the future, you’ll find this take from The Adley Show somewhat humorous, if not comforting? (Please only watch with a sense of humor.)