08 Jul Champion Corner
What has God entrusted to me that I can give?
A couple of weeks ago, my husband Tom came home and shared at dinner about a gentleman (I will refer to as Gary) he knew pretty well who had just retired. When Tom asked him the usual “Now what?” Gary shared that he had a plan. A plan of 4 organizations “he hoped to help make a difference in”.
For Gary, retirement plan was more than vacations and golf – retirement was going to be an intentional meaningful chapter of life. Regardless of what season of life you are in, it would serve each of us well as individuals and even more collectively as a Christian community if we had an intentional giving strategy, like Gary.
In what ways am I willing to invest in the nonprofits with what God has entrusted to me?
If you aren’t aware of the opportunities in which you may invest, Mission Triangle works with several hundred Triangle-based nonprofits, and the needs are significant! In fact, in our Board Governance workshop, the need for potential board members with a diversity of skill sets is so frequently mentioned as a nonprofit need, that Mission Triangle created a database from which introductions can be made and conversations started to discern what is right for both the nonprofit and the giver. If you are interested in finding out what opportunities exist, we invite you to take the first step by completing our Nonprofit Community Service Form. Then, respond to what the Lord lays on your heart by making yourself available to have a conversation. Your talents and your heart are what are most important! You could be a blessing to a nonprofit by helping them realize that the Lord is working within the community to bring the time, talent and treasure needed to fulfill the mission God has called them to.
You are likely familiar with the common admonition within the Christian nonprofit world of time, talent and treasure.
In fact, it is so commonly used that it has become white noise or filler, rather than the way it is intended in Scripture to cause us to stop, ponder, and discern how the Lord would have us respond. You can begin by simply asking the following penetrating questions: Am I driving my time (my schedule), my talent (where I spend my hours in my day) and my treasure (where is most of my money going) or is it driving me?

I invite you to engage in a little self-reflection and consider the following questions regarding the immense value of the gifts (like Gary) you have to offer.
Question 1: Of these three doors, which one do you feel is the most valuable commodity for you right now? (In other words…..the hardest to give.)
Question 2: Which one of the doors is the easiest for you to share with others?
Question 3: Which one is the most rewarding for you to share with others?
Question 4: How valuable is “Door #1, TIME” to you in your current season of life and what, if any, hurdles get in the way of you sharing it?
Question 5: What has God entrusted to you through “Door # 2, TALENT”; your strengths, passion, or experience and skill? How could you invest a portion of your talent with a non-profit?
Question 6: Do you feel connected to the non-profits you support today through “Door # 3, TREASURE” or financially? Do they understand your heart for their mission? Have you shared your story behind your heart for their mission? Is there something you and your spouse/family could do to feel more connected and experience the impact the nonprofit is having on the lives of those they serve?
Final Question: Which of the three, Time, Talent, or Treasure, do you think is more valuable to a non-profit? Which one is more costly for you?
Conclusion: While I don’t personally know Gary, he is clearly taking his life, purpose and opportunities seriously. He wants to ensure that his time, talent and treasure is invested wisely – where they will make a difference.
As believers, I invite each one of us to even go beyond the time to reflect. Reflect, soul search yes; but we also need to ask God where He is inviting us to join Him by investing well our time, our talent and our treasure in this season of life. We are all called to a unique purpose. There is no magic formula, there is no one size fits all. But God did create us uniquely to be here, now, on this earth for a greater good and a greater purpose. Do you know what yours is? Let’s keep asking our Father and then let’s walk in it.
I am excited for you to hear and see what God has for you in these coming months and year. Invite your spouse to pray with you for direction for yourself, for you as a couple, and for your family on where God is inviting you to lean in to all the good He is up to! For those who believe in the strength of accountability, complete the Nonprofit Community Service Form mentioned above. I would also enjoy reaching out to you personally and helping to make an introduction that will lead to both your blessing and the nonprofits’.
His Best,
Mary Vande Guchte
Mission Triangle Board Member